Building Back Up

Every time I’ve gone for a run lately, I am still in awe that I have retained so much speed (for me). On Saturday, I ran 3 miles on the trail in a little over 25 minutes (WTF), walked a mile in about 15, and ran the other mile back in something like 8:30. Again, WTF?

Obviously spinning, weight lifting, and the occasional stair master session has been beneficial while my stress fracture has healed. My doctor told me that the area will feel sore for a little while after I start running again, and it does – as long as it is the soreness and not the sharp pain of “shin splints” I’m not worried.

Today I went for 4 miles without stopping. As before every run, I told myself to take it easy, go slow, and stop to walk if I need to. Except then when I’m actually running, I don’t want to stop. Well, I do, but I push through the negative voice in my head and keep going. Where was this motivation in high school??

Today’s run:


Negative splits all under 9 minutes a mile? I’ll take it.   

I know that the fact that I’ve retained so much fitness is amazing and I’m thankful. But it’s still hard to feel like I’m starting over with running. When I had to stop, I could run 6, 7, 8 miles at an 8:30 pace. The last run before I learned about my stress fracture, I busted out my last mile in 7:30. I know that will not happen for a while again. It’s frustrating, but I’ll survive and work hard to get faster. I know I can do it – I have before.

It’s amusing to me that during cross country in high school, I think that my slowest time was probably 28 or 29 something minutes. For girls, the CC race is 2.5 miles. I think my fastest time ever was 23 or 24 something minutes. Considering I really did not care at all and can remember the two times during practice I never stopped to walk over 3 years, I did well. While I’m building back up my distance and endurance, I really want to get faster at smaller distances. I’m going to sign up for at least one 5k this fall and I’m eying a Thanksgiving day 5-miler. I love distance running but I’m willing to do speedwork too.

Yay running! Who wants to sign up for some races??

  1. Brittany said:

    Yahhoooo way to go you speedy girl!!!

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